SEO Audit of


Latest SEO audit analysis I did on #Paradigm, discussing content, UI/UX usability issues, Web Presence Optimization, and good practice guidelines.

Paradigm Electronics Inc. was founded in 1982 by co-founders Jerry VanderMarel and Scott Bagby. Registered in 2005 by Scott Bagby. The company is based in Mississauga, Toronto , Ontario, Canada. Products are available in fifty-five countries, all its products are crafted, engineered and designed in Canada. Paradigm is a favorite speaker brand amongst audiophiles as it offers several variants with thrilling dynamics, powerful bass, and accurate speaker design. Some of its most important products include MONITOR SE, Décor Custom Collection, PERSONA Series, DEFIANCE Series, Persona Series, and PREMIER Series.

1- Website Review Summary:

The domain name was registered in March 1998, the site was re-designed in 2019 and updated recently. The site is very well structured and has all expected content. On-page technical issues are minor. The footer shows a broken icon for the country flag selection in the bottom right. In internal pages the header menu ‘Explore’ doesn’t seem to let you select displayed options. The french version of the site is not all translated at this time. Although the products are not sold on the site the structure uses PrestaShop  e-commerce platform, and the ‘Where to Buy’ is well designed. The blog page only seems to be not up to date with the last post dating back to Sept 2018.

2- Testing:

Lighthouse mobile:

42/100 Performance – 75/100 Accessibility – 75/100 Best Practices – 82/100 SEO

Time to Interactive: 11.9 s

GTMetrix desktop:

Largest Contentful Paint 1.5s – Total Blocking Time 43ms – Cumulative Layout Shift 0.01

3- Points for Improvement:

Total Page Size: 6.15MB. 7 images with over 100kb to be optimized. As all social media and product content are very well done and structured, attention should be more on ‘in-domain’ blog content updates as well as more Youtube reviews and Linkedin Page posts. Currently keyword search indicates that authoritativeness needs to be improved. In Google Paradigm domain site was found for the following keywords: “in-wall speakers” at page 3, “outdoor speakers” at page  4, “highend speakers” at page 6.

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Paradigm Electronics Inc. Google Search
Paradigm Electronics Inc. Homepage