Latest SEO audit analysis I did on, discussing content, UI/UX usability issues, Web Presence Optimization, and good practice guidelines.
Mod-Electronics, Inc. aka ESE was founded in November 1970 in El Segundo, California. The current CEO is Joseph Elsineitti. The co-founders’ objective was to provide quality products, delivered on time along with excellent service. For 50 years, ESE has been meeting the Precision Time and Signal Distribution needs of Broadcast, Communication and Military worlds. ESE’s emphasis is to provide simple, accurate and cost-effective solutions for a wide variety of applications such as Radio & Television, Audio & Video Production, Medical & Public Safety (911/NENA), Government & Military, and Educational & Corporate. It is safe to say all major broadcasters have at times used ESE products. Products are available in major retailers and online distributors like B&H.
1- Website Review Summary:
The domain was registered in February 1997. The current design dates back to January 2012. The site is protected with https and is not responsive nor mobile compatible. The homepage contains social media links to accounts somewhat active Facebook, and Linkedin as well as an RSS feed link. The LInkedin company page shows 311 employees which may include many profiles not from the actual company. The news section has a latest article dating back to 2018. As well the picture of the month dates back to at least 2016. Catalog pdfs also date back to 2016 from 2013. New products still reflect an update of NAB 2019 pre pandemic. The search function page does not work. Internal search for shows 627 pages and pdfs.
2- Testing:
Lighthouse mobile:
98/100 Performance – 53/100 Accessibility – 83/100 Best Practices – 60/100 SEO
GTMetrix Desktop:
Largest Contentful Paint 1.1s – Total Blocking Time 0ms – Cumulative Layout Shift 0.01
3- Points for Improvement:
Total Page Size: 729KB. There is no meta description nor relevant title name for the site. It is clear that it is strongly recommended to redo the site to follow current guidelines and recommendations, for latest browsers, and more importantly for it to be mobile compatible. As it should be expected, for such a large variety of products and solutions in various industries, a more recent website will certainly help in browsing and in UX and UI for a more pleasant experience.
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