SEO Audit of


Latest SEO audit analysis I did on #ClarkWire, discussing content, UI/UX usability issues, Web Presence Optimization, and good practice guidelines.

Clark Wire & Cable Co., Inc. was founded in 1989 and incorporated in 1991. The company is led by its president Shane Collins, the company’s line of business includes the wholesale distribution of electrical apparatus and equipment wiring supplies for the production and broadcast industries. Clark Wire & Cable Co., Inc. is located in Mundelein, Illinois and is part of the Household Appliances and Electrical and Electronic Goods Merchant Wholesalers Industry. Clark Wire & Cable Co., Inc. has about 20 employees across all of its locations and generates millions in sales. A company profile at the ​​International Association of Better Business Bureaus was opened in 2011, and has no complaints.

1- Website Review Summary:

The domain name was registered in February 2002, a more recent domain name has been registered in August 2020. The site is not protected with https and not mobile ready nor cross platform responsive. The current site design dates back to April 2014. Using the discontinued Adobe flash plugin, the site structure remained the same for years. The ‘Technical Information’ page shows requirements for the PDF Adobe reader. The user profile links and pandemic statements have broken links. The homepage has social media links to the company’s accounts and shows little activity. The link to the products catalog dates back to May 2015. The latest news page has links to articles dating back to 2008 to 2011. The site contains an extensive list of products and inner pages as the site shows 1350 inner pages and pdf links. The latest domain registered in 2020 seems to be under construction and meant to promote the company’s turnkey deployment solutions. It is also not https protected. A contact page has been built for the upcoming NAB 2022 broadcasters show in Las Vegas this current month . 

2- Testing:

Lighthouse mobile:

91/100 Performance – 52/100 Accessibility – 67/100 Best Practices – 70/100 SEO

GTMetrix Desktop:

Largest Contentful Paint 323ms – Total Blocking Time 0ms – Cumulative Layout Shift 0.01

3- Points for Improvement:

Total Page Size: 903KB. The site does not have a meta description. As expected, the small amount of elements and tiny structure the site loads fast and shows high results in terms of performance. Of course there is no doubt the site needs to be redone to follow current guidelines and recommendations. The company’s Google My Business profile has been updated with some reviews and content in 2020 and would need further activities as for other social media platforms.

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Clark Wire and Cable Inc Google Results
Clark Wire and Cable Inc Homepage